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2/ Both also discussed the devastating human impact of Russian occupation, including the forced deportation and Russification of Ukrainian children, which ISW analysts have covered in pieces such as "The Kremlin's Occupation Playbook: Coerced Russification and Ethnic Cleansing in…

#TECNOLOGIA | L’àrea metropolitana de #Barcelona obre la porta a la policia predictiva El nou sistema de control policial generarà “models predictius amb algoritmes, per anticipar escenaris i determinar possibles situacions de risc”. ✍️@AlbertAlexan

Latest issue of Black Star is 8 pages: Against Militarism - Against Capitalism and War; Water Charges? Fuck Off; Strike Action We Aren't Supporting; The Origin of the Black Flag; VegaNana; 3rd IWA Asia-Pacific Convergence; Meanwhile in Ballymena...

📢 🇵🇸 Manifestació per Palestina a València, dissabte 18 de gener de 2025, 12h, Pl. de l'Ajuntament

📣 No deixarem d'organitzar-nos ni de protestar mentre continue el colonialisme, l'apartheid, el genocidi, els crims sionistes a Palestina i la complicitat del govern espanyol! 🧵

Santander y BBVA son los bancos españoles que más han financiado a los fabricantes de las armas utilizadas para cometer el genocidio en Gaza

Así lo concluye el último informe sobre la Banca Armada, que podéis leer aquí👉


On Jan 7, a cluster bomb that was left from a previous attack by Russian-Syrian alliance forces exploded in the vicinity of al-Qasmiya village, W. #Aleppo. The bomb killed one boy, identified as Ismail Ibrahim, and injured three others who were playing when the bomb exploded.


